Monday, April 27, 2009

LACC cops are dicks

On April 26th. Nathan, Angel, Vince, Robert, Zulman, and I stopped by LACC to hang out and skate around. Campus was empty....Zulman and I were messing around with the big ass tree.  Looking like a couple of tree huggers, while Robert takes pictures of us. The rest were skating nearby.

 Afterwards, we scouted for some spots to skate. Fucking Robert  sees a parked campus golf car and tried to turn that shit on...Next thing you know,
 he has that thing running. Goes for a little joyride with Zulman. We do stupid things at times and we go with it. I was wondering where the cops were at....

few moments later, we run into two cops...Couple of young skaters got their boards taken away, so they were settling their problems with the officers of the LAW....The cops spotted us, but went after Robert and Nathan for riding their boards on campus...
Cop: Did you see the sign?!!!!!!
Robert: What sign?
Cop: The sign that says do not skateboard
Then the cop gets a little physical with Robert and told Nathan to sit his ass down...

The kids who got the boards taken away were talking to me and told me what happened earlier...They also got stopped for skating..It's ridiculous when cops make a big ass scene with skaters..treat skaters like criminals..How and when did skateboarding become a crime..Cops were acting all tough and shit, while I was taking pictures of the whole situation. 
Cop:Yeah! go ahead, take pictures
Me: I am and I'm going to blog about it
Cop gives me the dirty look and comes toward me a little to try and take my camera away.
Me:I have my rights and you have no right to take or touch my camera
Cop turns away and said, "oh, yeah?"
He tried to back that up, instead he realized what he was doing was unprofessional...Fucking cops man...He finally lets Robert and Nathan go..The kids look at us with that look for help. We couldn't do anything about it but tell them get out of we took off and called it the day...Wooooo I'm glad Robert didn't get caught with the joyride...